Tagged: american association

What do you do on a 15hr flight?

The past week has gone by like none other. Prior to my 2nd start with Grand Prairie I was notified by my agent that a Taiwanese team was interested in signing me to a contract. They made an offer and told me they would let me know if the deal was finalized within 48 hours. I had to let the Airhogs know what was going on so that our manager would be able to get another pitcher in case I had to leave shortly. Of course he was upset I might be leaving, but he totally understood the circumstances.

48 hours went by and no word from Taiwan. I continued to pitch in my scheduled game and had one of the craziest starts I’ve ever been a part of. 6 errors behind me (one of my own), 1 earned run of 7 runs, and we only lost 8-1. Hopefully the Taiwanese scouts did not read up on that box score or see what happened in that game to determine if they would choose me to join their team. A couple days later we got the final word that it was an all go with Taiwan. Unfortunately I was on the road with my team in Kansas City. I had to find a way to get back to Dallas, pack up my apartment and car, and then find a way back to Miami. All of this was at my own expense. Along with all of this I had to get together my passport, sign contracts, get 2×2 photos for my Visa, make an appointment with the Taipei Consulate in Miami, pack again, and say hi and bye to my family and girlfriend for whoever knows how long.

I am very excited for this opportunity to travel and play in Taiwan. The league is the Chinese Professional Baseball League (CBPL). Each team is allowed four imports, but only 2-3 can be active on the roster. The team I will be playing for is the Lamigo Monkeys. They are currently in first place of the four team league. I hope to help them continue winning and make a push for the playoffs in September. Many thanks to Fu-Ti- Ni’s translators Fox Sung and Steve Xiu for helping me out figure out what I will need over there. I will continue to blog and update all of you with pictures and videos from the other side of the world as best as I can.

This will be a very fun and exciting journey, and I’m so glad to share it with my friends and fans. I really thank you for your continued support no matter where I end up. Please comment and ask questions. I want to give back as much info as I can.